April 11, 2009

Total Lack of Appreciation

There are some people I know who have a total lack of appreciation for what they have. They often focus on what others have rather than what they already own and enjoy. They often think they are second best if not beggars and vagrants compared to other people. Their insecurities revolve around material things rather than the real things that matter the most. And its sad how these people will not listen to anyone else except their own sordid ideas and beliefs and act as if the entire world owed them. That we are even lucky to even be breathing the same air they are breathing.
Well, no more. I am really sick and tired of people - no matter how close they are related to me - who act as if I owe them a debt of gratitude for them being in my life. People often tell me I should look into the problem, attend to it, focus on it, maybe she just needs a little bit more attention from me - well frankly - I've had enough. And if anyone calls me a bad person for feeling the way I do, then I am the worse of the lot and I have enough basis to feel the way I do.
The nerve of her to disrespect me inside my own house, to curse me and call me names inside my own house - she's lucky she's still living under the same roof and eating. She's lucky we still consider her a part of this family even if she has endlessly maligned and slandered our names with her petty excuses. Oh yes, they are petty. Petty compared to other people who have far worse problems than she does and all she cares about is her image, her reputation which is already nothing, she is envious of other people whom she thinks have better material things than she does and she will not learn to appreciate what she has right now.
To her I am totally sad and disgusted at the same time. I am sick and tired of her drama queen behaviour and her attitude of owning us and this house, that she can do as she damn well please, call her parents names and curse them. I have every right to tell her to leave this house and I will not be the sorrier for it. She has threatened us both physically and emotionally and I have had enough of it. I prefer not to have her in this house anymore than for her to continuously terrorize everyone with her antics and her endless pointless melodramatic insane attitude of being queen and that we are her loyal servants. No more.

Her presence in this house casts a dark shadow in all areas of the house and no one wants to be near her or even talk to her. She has the nerve to use the things we use without so much as a question and yet she is rude to the bone but she will demand that she be given the right to use our personal things - like she's the only one with the right to use them even if the things are not hers to begin with.

I need not dwell on her stupidity and cover ups. She covers up for her blunders with her melodramatic antics and if she says she will kill herself one more time, it would be the 6Th or 7Th time I would have heard about it in a 5 year period. My thoughts on that? What the hell are you waiting for? Go ahead and give us some peace and quiet. We deserve better from the likes of you and you don't deserve what you have. I have a mind of throwing out all your things and burn them and let's see who has more and who has none. Let's see if you begin to learn to show some appreciation for what you are given and what you've earned. So far, what have you done to earn anything from us? We might have obligations to you but you have your share of duties and responsibilities towards us which you have failed miserably to fulfill and yet you still expect us to give with nothing in return from you even the mere respect for us? If you can't learn to show some respect, don't expect it from us. Respect is earned, it is not demanded or ransomed.

You think I would get my conscience remotely bothered should you decide to make good on your threat? No. It would not bother me a bit. I will not even miss you. Because you are already dead to me for all the times you have wished me dead all because of load, of permissions to party on school days, clothes, shoes - all your petty material perks and even your own siblings. Just because I said no to your inane stupidity you wished me dead so many times - well I've got news for you - I hope you suffer what you wish for because frankly my dear - I don't give a damn. You can drop dead for all I care also.