December 16, 2010

The Reason for the Season...

Its December once more and this time of year usually tugs at your heart strings and makes a lot of people very sentimental or emotional. And its funny how come they can't even put that kind of value on each and every day of the year.
Why is it that only during Christmas do they even bother putting any weight on the essence of "family" and family "togetherness" but neglect and ignore their spouses and kids all year round? Hypocrites. Bigger families "demand attendance" of each and every family member during family reunions but hardly care about anyone else except themselves all year round.. even bigger hypocrites.
After so many years of seeing this kind of hypocrisy and two-faced relations, I've vowed to keep my Christmases plain and simple, spend it alone if need be than be surrounded by hypocrites on the eve of the so-called "Birth" of the Savior. I find it very stupid to even waste an evening with people who play dual roles - those who pretend to care but don't, those who pretend to be responsible but are not, those who pretend to be good parents but are the worst kind, those who pretend to be Christians but are far far worse than the demons that hound them if they still have the pleasure of having a "conscience".
No, this isn't a "feel good" blog, not today, not this season. I have no quarrel with the "reason for the season" because apparently, its more commercialized than it is spiritual. Its so stressful to those who cannot provide and those who do not have enough and we've forgotten the real reason for the season - the Birth of the Christ Jesus.
We've taken the "season of giving" to a whole new level, or basically - taken it to its most debased level - materialism. That it isn't "Christmas" if you don't receive a gift and you have guilt-trips when you are unable to "give gifts"... plain and stupid.
God gave us His only begotten son, born of a virgin, who suffered and died FOR OUR SINS... the prayer holds the real and true meaning of the season. How many of us can live up to that? Have we even tried? I'm not a perfect person, I can't even imagine giving up my child to save strangers let alone worthless souls I have no relations to. And why should I even bother since I'm old enough to know no one else would do the same for me?
But that's selfishness and it counters the purpose and reason for Christmas which is self-less-ness...
Unfortunately, I am surrounded by those who are supposed to "take care" of me and my children who know nothing of self-lessness and can even lie about his own kids and call them names, drug users, worthless kids as he vilifies and raises his ego so high just for him to escape his own stench. So much for "Christians" pretending to be human beings.
If my children are raised in full view of lies, selfishness, egotistic behaviour, "all-mine mentality" and fooling others into believing otherwise - a snake in wolf's skin pretending to be a sheep - I wonder how my children can even grow up to be self-less human beings who prefer to help others before helping themselves, who prefer to empathize and sympathize with others than be apathetic and numb to their surroundings, to be givers without ever expecting anything in return save for respect and love...
What we give to our children as weapons to strengthen them in life, to make them better human beings, to be strong, courageous, morally upright people - is far better than any gift you can find in some over crowded department store with a warranty of one year. Lessons we keep for life have no warranties. The strength we teach our children does not expire or get worn down with usage. The love we sincerely show them is there for the rest of their lives and not forgotten after the wrappings have been discarded.
Yet some people who call themselves "responsible parents" can only measure their worth as parents on the number of digits and gifts they give, or at times - RELUCTANTLY give their own flesh and blood. And when the children lose their way at times, they are rebuked for all the things they were "given"... that they are made to feel they are not deserving of a proper education, a decent vacation, a movie once and a while, that they don't deserve new stuff, some proper attention...  instead of guiding them as parents ARE SUPPOSED to do... sad.. too much time has been wasted and sometimes it looks like its too late for that anymore.
We are not measured by the number of digits we keep in our bank accounts we hide from our spouse and children. We are measured by the RESULTS and who is loved and preferred more.. yes, it has boiled down to that - a popularity contest. We are measured by the attention we give and not the number of days we are IN the house but mentally and spiritually out of it being cooped up in the bedroom doing nothing but watch stupid DVDs instead of tutoring a small child. Childhood memories are NOT available in any department store. They are made and children are not the authors of their childhood, PARENTS ARE.
What we are as parents is the best .. or the worst thing we can give our children this season for every year that passes by and when your children begin to be reluctant attendees to family reunions - it isn't their fault - its yours as a parent. What our children become is a clear result of our being parents and one parent cannot handle everything if the other parent is still around to mess up everything. No one parent can be blamed for everything wrong or right - it took two people to make a child, same goes when things go wrong or right and when one person can't admit to a fault - I wonder who the children would look up to in the end.
There is no such thing as "me, mine or I" as a parent. Those who say that are lame excuses for a person pretending to be a human being. Parents who say that to their spouses and children have no excuse to be called a "responsible parent"... the only thing they're responsible for is for all the negative things that happen in a family. Because people like that will always blame the other spouse even their own children for all the things that go wrong without even admitting they had anything to do with it... such parents should not even be allowed to have kids. When one parent "hides" the things his children should have and deserves to have but DEPRIVES them of such - is there even enough words in the dictionary to describe such a person, let alone a parent?
So much for the season for giving....

March 17, 2010

A Small Hand

The TV is on and I’m trying to distract myself from the stress of the past 3 weeks. Its still there and I doubt if it will ever leave me. The signs of stress are taking its toll on me and I retreat into the silence of the room listening to the breathing of my young prince as he sleeps his small tender hand in mine.

My mind wanders into the events of the past weeks and I wonder how his life will turn out to be. Any mother would protect such a gentle soul from the hardships and ugliness of the world but I question my capacity for strength as I stare at his sleeping face.

The country isn’t the country it once was. If things continue the way it does, what future can one mother give him? I look at the news everyday and the news overwhelms me. People running for top seats offering lip service left and right but I begin to question their sincerity once the issue of working together AFTER the elections is raised. No one wants to work with whoever wins. Everyone wants to win but no one wants to work together regardless of party affiliation, creed or color. So where is the sincerity in wanting to uplift this country to a higher plane? Is Unity in this country dead?

The people are all going hay-wire. Mud slinging left and right as well, people bashing others for their opinions and beliefs and those who directly and indirectly target supporters. It’s an ugly mud wrestling scene with everyone joining the melee. And for what? Because everyone wants to be heard but no one wants to listen. Only a handful of people listen while the rest riot online and on the streets. Only a handful of people think while the rest go about their blind beliefs, touting signs to vote for their chosen candidate.

And I look at my youngest son and I wonder who will be the next President of this country and how his life will be based on the decisions we do now. One person cannot do it alone. We do what we can on our own efforts and endeavors, to spread the information and gather information that we can to help this country move forward. To expose the truth and sincerely help get the truth out. But one person cannot do it alone.

Given the choice and if I had the resources, I would have taken my young prince in my arms and take off. Get him away from here. He deserves a better life and being here is not a life he deserves to have. My children deserve better. And I watch the news and ask myself – are these the candidates who can give my children a country they deserve?

My question remains unanswered. I look upon each candidate and I wonder not about their sincerity but their capacity for “follow through”, to make a dream a reality and inspire people to follow his lead. They all say the same things; they all have wonderful plans for this country. They all have promises to keep eventually. And they are only human to begin with.

This coming election is vital. The country is already at the edge of an abyss tittering to fall or be rescued.  No one person is to be blamed for its dilemma. We are all to blame. In our own little way we have contributed to the deterioration of the system – our acts of omission and commission – and those who focus on commissions only instead of doing their jobs.

From the small government office in some far off municipality to that large building called the city hall to the courts to the government agencies all the way to the palace by the river. We get the government we deserve because we do not speak up. We do not think. We do not even complain about corruption because we know nothing will come out of it if we do. Those who speak out get their voices drowned in the silence of the majority.

And I look at the sleeping young boy beside me and I wonder how life would be when he turns 10 in five more years, would he have a country in shambles or a country regaining its foothold as a nation of heroes or will it be a nation of villains?

I dread the day when my children ask me one question.. What did your generation do to our future?

My question now is – what will our generation do for their future? We still have time. We have the power for change and to change. We have the voices that need to be heard and we have to stop relying on other people to do it for us. Its time for a revolution of change. And it begins with each and every one of us.

February 8, 2010

Noynoy's Latest Public words

The following is from Ms. Sylvia Mayuga. I am reposting since I would like people to know what has been transpiring behind the scenes. The lower part is from NOYNOY AQUINO himself.

Feb. 8, 2010

From Ms. Sylvia: Note - This arrived by e-mail just now, a rare one from Noy. Looks like he's beginning to raise his dukes.  About time. Note the date this was written, as rumors swirled that Villar and Arroyo, Inc. had already agreed on a quid pro quo: You keep me out of jail, I'll keep you out of jail. Deal?


I am not surprised with this turn of events. First, our opponents have had a long head start in this campaign. And while I diligently perform my functions as a legislator, the others are practically campaigning full time, neglecting their mandate with those who entrusted them with their votes.

Second, for all the unprecedented and sustained ads spending in all forms of media of the other camp and the unrelenting and increasingly below-the-belt and baseless black propaganda against me by my opponents, not to mention the harassment we have been continuously getting from this administration—the arbitrary transfers and replacement of police directors, the inexplicably adverse rulings we have been getting from Comelec for our local executives, the abrupt cessation of government projects in provinces friendly to us and lately even the denial of venues for our rally sites-- I am surprised that I am still on top of the surveys.

Third, it's becoming clear by the day that an unholy alliance is developing between this administration and my opponent. No wonder the Palace spokesman couldn’t restrain himself in expressing his gratitude to one of my opponents for keeping quiet on the many issues confronting this administration.

Of course, that is not to say that we do not face challenges in the campaign. Quite a lot, I must say, foremost of which is the ability to bring our message—a clean, decent, transparent and accountable government will put an end to massive corruption, dedicate precious public resources to basic services for the poor and alleviate our people’s hopelessness and poverty—across to as many of our people as possible. It is a strong and relevant message that we are certain has had and will continue to have traction among more and more of our voters. We have been able to address this. In the coming days, we will be able to do this with greater frequency and in a sustained manner through ads.

On top of this, I believe that our comparative advantage—the organizational strength coming from our ability to mobilize volunteers all over the country—still has to make itself felt in the campaign. We expect that to happen as we formally start the campaign this February, the historic People Power month. 

I have been through this before. When I first ran for office as a Congressman in 1998, I faced eight opponents and initially attracted about two-thirds of the votes. After the eight ganged up on me, throwing everything they could at me, my numbers fell to half of what I started with.

But since the issues they threw at me did not stick and since I brought a message of change and hope, in the end, I prevailed with plenty to spare.6. What should not escape all of us is that I still lead the surveys—from the time I declared my candidacy to this day. I would like to assure everyone, especially our supporters that as the formal campaign period starts, we will work harder to make sure that we remain on top of the fight and the hope of our people for a clean, competent and compassionate government through my tandem with Senator Mar Roxas will be fulfilled.