Numerous people have written about them. A simple couple thrown into the limelight of politics borne of a need for change and a belief that the country can be more than what it is. This struggle began way back in the 70s and it has been 30 years or even more yet still we are faced with a country beset with poverty, over population, strife, political disarray, greed, corruption, usurpation of power and abusive government officials who only took office for personal agendas.
Now both Tita Cory and Tito Ninoy are gone and we are left behind to carry on a battle they fought, sacrificing their private lives, their families, their freedoms, and their lives for a better Philippines. No more can be asked of them, no more can be squeezed out of them.
Filipinos are faced with an enemy far greater than someone carrying a gun and pointing it at his head. The enemy comes from within him. The will to carry on, the will to change and the will to act when wrong doings are in the midst. Apathy, indifference, and resignation are some of the worse character traits a Filipino can be shrowded with. Cynicism even worse. Because it leaves no room for trust, for belief, for principles. But can we really blame him?
Daily choices are often prioritized over that of the general issues besetting a nation. We work day and night to make a living or else we do not put food on the table, we cannot send our children to school. We all have the same types of worries and problems in varying levels but they are all common no matter the class in society.
But why are we beset with such worries to begin with? Because we know that if we don't work, we don't eat. Our children will not get a decent education. We will lose the roof over our heads. Isn't this something our government should be helping us with instead of making it harder for us?
There is something terribly wrong with our country, with our government. It is not a cultural thing. It isn't even an issue of economics. It is a matter of service and justice, of equal treatment and equal opportunities. There is no public service here. Justice is delayed. No such thing as equal treatment and opportunities are only open to those who meet certain age, skills and school requirements.
A leader doesn't need to be a president to lead. A leader is someone who knows what is right for the people and what needs to be curbed if not uprooted from the beginning. A leader is not scared to speak his mind as his heart dictates and a leader is not ashamed of making mistakes and admitting to a fault. A leader should be humble and listens to those who speak their minds and hearts as well. What more a person who has been elected into power, holds an office that would open doors for change?
Ninoy and Cory both wanted the same thing - a better country for the Filipinos, run fairly and cleanly, honestly and transparently by equally honest and transparent people who have the innate sense of integrity to uphold the responsibilities of the office they occupy. Cory never wanted to become President and she said so herself. But look at the outpouring of love the minute Filipinos found out she was sick. The country lost a Father in August 21, 1983. The country lost its Mother August 1, 2009. The hole it leaves behind is unbearable to those who know the meaning of a better country, a better future for the people... something we all want for our children.
It is up to us to move, to act. To say something and not be scared to say it. To be at the forefront of any battle as long as we are on the side of truth, honesty and justice. A simple married couple with kids took up the fight for a better country because they knew it could be done and it could be achieved if we all pitched in to join the fight against corruption, complacency, greed and poverty. There are many sides, it is a matter of where those sides face. Do we face each other for the fight for a better country or do we stand against each other for the same cause? Bottom line, what do we want? We don't have Tita Cory and Tito Ninoy with us and we can only learn from the lessons they left us. Let us not fail them for in failing them, we fail our children and our grandchildren.
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Keep blogging Jen! You have the calling. visit us too at Philippine Commentary http://philippinecommentary.blogspot.com/
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