April 17, 2008


Karma - as simply described - is what returns to you when you do either good or bad. If you do something good, something good will also happen to you and vice versa. Good begets good, bad begets bad. That's the circle of fate.

Karma - as it is usually used -is what you are warned about just when you are about to do something bad... even if you think your reasons are right. Same goes when you do something right for the wrong reasons. Its not a balanced situation and the ways do not justify the means.

Karma - in reality - doesn't happen immediately. Sometimes it never happens at all. Circumstances surrounding our day to day lives are 80% influenced by external situations and people, 20% is made by our decision making faculties. The saying "we are the results of a decision" is implicitly true to a point. Regardless of the influences - it is still a decision that makes us who we are, what we are, how we are and where we are at this moment in time. No one can be blamed for our current circumstance except ourselves because we made a decision that led to it some where in time, some where in the past.

If we say "I never saw this coming" - you can't blame anyone for that matter because when we make decisions - how far into the future do we consider the decisions we are about to make in the "now"?

I mentioned that 80% of the time, external forces influence our decisions. That true. Because we take into consideration how our decisions will affect other people, if our decisions will benefit more than just a few, and we weigh the consequences and see if there are more 'fatalities' over 'survivors'. Of course, being humans and humane - we choose the lesser of the two evils even if it will adversely affect our own destiny... ending up as fatalities of our own misguided decisions. So its like saying you made the right decisions for the wrong reasons... or the wrong decisions for the right reasons ... and we usually end up being the ones regretting those decisions we made.

So now what? If you're in a sordid situation you're having a hard time getting out of - make a decision for YOURSELF and no one else. Of course there will be people caught in the crossfire but you're already a fatality here - are you going to bury yourself as well? If the decision you need to make will benefit both you and a lot of other people - then make that decision. If your decision will hurt more people than you, then its not a good one. But right or wrong - in both areas - you as well as other people should come out untouched by the consequences of your decisions. As painful as it is to make decisions that alter the course of a person's life - the question remaining is - is it going to do more good than harm to them? Because any decent human being will not harm another person just for the heck of it. Nor would they harm an innocent just to prove a point. But if that person doesn't have an ounce of decency - then we all know what the answer will be. There will be fatalities and there will be a lot of innocent people caught in the crossfire... after which you will know the true nature of the person who caused so much pain and harm in the long term... selfish, ego-centric and vain... with no regard for anyone else except his own personal satisfactions and comfort.

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