June 12, 2008

What's with kids nowadays?

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Whats with the kids nowadays?


Any parent today would be wondering silently what's with the kids nowadays? Parents avoid verbally comparing themselves with their kids but let's be honest about it. Were you at that age, as hard-headed and as stubborn as your kid today? Were you at that age, as ungrateful and self-centered as your kid today? Were you at that age, as studious and as diligent as your kid today? Were you ever as materialistic as kids nowadays are?

Well I'm one mother who won't keep quiet about it. Kids nowadays think they're the lowest member of the mammal family simply because their cellphone models are "old" compared to the other kids. They think that just because you work and pay for so many things, you have enough to go around to shoulder every whim they have. They complain about clothes, shoes, allowance, their cellphones, use of the computer, load, their playmates, their boyfriends, their friends, their teachers, their school buses, their commute home, their lives!!!

They think you owe them your life on earth and that you wouldn't be who you are today if it weren't for them and they're just kids!!! They emotionally blackmail parents into getting what they want even if it's more than an inconvenience on the parent already.

Let's get real here - we parents can't be "there" for them all the time whether we like it or not! We also have our own lives to focus on or else we all go crazy because of these kids on top of all the other problems we're having right now. But these kids - they just won't let up. They'll take your hand, your arm and legs, your neck and your head, your stomach and your soul and still - you miss on one flimsy stupid party they need to go to - you're the worst mother on earth! Yeah sure.

They complain about their "measly" allowance - do they even know what budget means? If you give them what they need, they won't stop complaining because they can't learn to budget their own allowance. They compare their "pathetic" plights with their siblings expecting their siblings to have less on the basis of seniority - grow up okay??

It doesn't matter if you're in college or high school - there's no difference in expenses anymore nowadays and stop whining about how "small" your allowance was at that age and grade. Cost of things have tripled if not quadrupled in the last 6 years and if you were getting P50 then, if your sister is getting 80 NOW at the same grade level - that's inflation at it's simplest terms. A decent meal in ANY SCHOOL today would cost 60-80 a plate, you expect us to give your sister less than that? Grow up.

I have a mind of taking away every damn equipment you both have to teach you both a hard lesson in "starvation". I'll take away your mp3 players, your cellphones, your school allowance and then I'll take away the internet connection, the cable connection and your school bus and commuting fare and lets see if you both learn some lesson in "how poor" you really are. I'll force you both to take on part-time jobs so that you'll learn how hard it is to work and study at the same time! I'll send the maids away and I'll make you do your own laundry, cook your own meals, clean up your own mess, iron your own clothes and let's see if you don't learn to appreciate the hard work of the maids you complain about day in and day out! Because I won't do it for you. I have better things to do than do hard labor while the rest of you complain about gimmicks and allowances.

Ungrateful - that's how I see kids nowadays. No appreciation whatsoever for anything but themselves. These kids go to good schools, one is even in a college for free yet what do we get from all of that? Bullshit complaints. Instead of focusing on the ONLY THING we as parents ask for - what do they focus on? Parties on weekends? Gimmicks on weekends? And we're supposed to support even that? I'm sorry to break your bubble - but if you don't focus on plain studying and doing well in school - you don't get anything period. You can't even appreciate the food on the table, the clothes on your back, all the stupid things you enjoy from shampoo to soap, to shoes and slippers you change like crazy.

So what if you used to get hand-me-down second hand dresses? Do you even know how many children in this world don't have a change of clothes to wear because they're so poor?

So what if the instant pancit canton isn't the flavor you want? Do you know how many people in this world don't eat in weeks simply because there's no food at all?

So what if your allowance isn't enough to help you "save" for your stupid vices and gimmicks and all the other lame excuses you give us? Do you know how many children want to go to school they WALK 5 kilometers barefoot just to get there? How many children study with just candlelight because they KNOW THE VALUE of being educated? How many teenagers your age are out on the streets doing drugs, getting raped, with no roof over their heads, no clothes to wear, no parents to tend to them and no decent food to eat except rummaging through a garbage bin for some spoiled food to feed themselves?

If you both cannot appreciate what you already have and expect us to cry tears of blood just to give you more than what we can afford to - I'm sorry. But I won't bleed myself dry for your stupid spoiled attitudes. Learn some appreciation, gratitude, responsibility, understanding and sympathy for your life and your parents first if you expect us to even do more than what we are already doing right now.

If that makes me the worst mother you think on this earth - then deal with it. Do you both even know how many times you've hurt your own parents simply because you're both too self-centered to even notice your parents are already miserable? If you didn't notice, well then I'm telling you now - we're not happy and you're both partly to blame for that because you can't even learn to be sisters to each other and good daughters to us!!

Oh and please don't tell me to be a good mother first okay? THAT doesn't work on me anymore. You're not 4 years old anymore.

You're both in your teens... Grow up and act like one.

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